
No shit, Internet.

Dave, Dave…That sounds like a made up name. “Oh, James Franco has a brother? What’s his name? Dave Franco?"


I'll watch anything with John Hawkes.

It's cheaper to have the $99 annual Prime membership with everything than the $8.99 monthly video only option… unless they've changed prices recently that I'm not aware of.

Smell-O-Vision or get the fuck out.

Does James ask everyone to do that?

Horrified? Really? I know not everyone would've been as amused as I would seeing that, but you still get a great story out of it… not to mention getting to screw with friends and family without being accused of making a joke in bad taste!

Britain's Got Talent has some pretty fantastic videos. I've gotten lost in there for a few hours on more than a couple nights. Shouldn't feel guilty about that.

Speed Force.

Feed the Walking Dead

I wasn't arguing that it wasn't.

Oddly enough, Caroline in the City and Wings were the only two things that jumped out at me when perusing the selection as pretty much every other thing in there but this show was already available on Netflix and Prime. Plus the reruns nonstop all day every day on basic cable of a lot of it. But neither of those are

It was a bottle of Eternity. He was clearly asking for it.

"Never get out of the bus boat. Absolutely goddamn right."

Even giant green super-strong lesbian lawyers?

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Godzooky's in the next movie. Good enough?

I wonder if he'll tell them ahead of time or just chloroform them and have em wake up mid-launch. Surprise!!!

And Reacharound.