
Williams broke my heart in this scene. Kidman did in that one of hers as well.

Everyone in this category was fantastic.

Kubo or Red Turtle. I've not seen the Zuchinni one yet.

No, that's Linsay Lohan.

That porn dude, right?

He did actually

Just one of them. Not all

At least Arrival gets one tonight.

Is it because she was dancing with you… cheek to cheek?

I liked it, though I liked the Opetaia Foa'i music more than the Miranda songs for the most part.

It's about 350 down

The Juice is LOOSE!!

Is there really no one in the world to tell Nicole Kidman’s husband that he looks CREEPY AS FUCK. Seriously, someone needs to say, “Keith, you make Tom Cruise look completely fucking normal.”

No. It wasn't good, but I love that it has an Oscar.

Some unnecessary piece of tech Apple keeps trying to push.

Everyone who matters anyway.

It's glorious. I'm dying.

YES!!!! Suck it, Internet!

Suicide Squad. Just to piss people off online.

I still don't understand that rationale. She's in the whole damn thing.