
Not as blatant as notorious comedy The Martian, but yeah.

Maybe not.

I agree. Patel was pretty fucking great though.

I liked Bridges in this but he seemed like he was basically doing a Kris Kristoffersen impession.

I will never tire of the Kimmel/Damon "feud"

Yeah, that was fun.


Yeah, it's an old, long-running joke about that being the first thing out of the mouths of Jehovah's Witnesses when they're constantly interrupting you or waking you up when they come to your door.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you have a minute to talk about Jesus Christ Moonlight?"

Graham Norton show last night. The official youtube video is blocked in the States because it'll air on BBC America in 2 weeks, but someone else has uploaded the whole thing. Not sure how long it'll stay up though so I'd watch quick. The story in question begins just before the 16 minute mark. The whole episode

That whole story (and episode) last night was fantastic.

The math checks out.

The SNL sketch I'll always love most.

Her cover of Elton John's "Sacrifice" earns her a lifetime pass from me for whatever weird shit she says or does.

Choking the chicken
Bopping your bologna
Beating the bishop
DVR'ing it

I'll collect something from Wolf Blitzer…. other than his long absent self-respect and dignity that is.

Yeah. That'll show 'em.

I actually love the part when Tony confronts him saying how he was in Vietnam fighting so that burnouts like Jim could stay home getting high and going to protest rallies instead and what do you have to say about that?

Yes. Those and so very much of what I used to see in Omni magazine back then.

In the old man's Ford
Behind them bushes
Til I'm screaming for more
Down the basement
Lock the cellar door…..