
At least the Spam would actually qualify it as a Hawaiian pizza. Many years living there and I never once met someone who didn't think pineapple on pizza was fucked up.

Hipster pizza? Sure. Why not. Nothing matters anymore. Burn it all down.

Not this again. Dude. You've had your ass handed to you so often that everyone knows that's what you're into. For God's sake man, at least pretend to fight back.

Not at all. I'm thinking maybe Jeep is used there the way Xerox used to be here?

I thought it said "The Empire" for a second and thought perhaps she was going to replace Carrie Fisher instead of them doing CGI or offscreen death…. and that obviously Leia was going to turn evil or maybe join up to save her whiny son. It was a very convoluted second.

That's pretty much old dudes in general.

I was thinking, "I'm David Bowie, and I'm the fastest man alive……"

I was picturing one of those six-wheeled Jeeps from the 1999 Thomas Crown Affair, but then I found this video of "super jeeps" from Iceland on youtube.

Pope Yes is good, but it's no Bojangles.

Popeyes is for white people who don't know what fried chicken is supposed to taste like.

I've had Pizza Hut before.

1984 all by itself would like a word with you…. not to mention if 85 and 86 came along for the ride.

I'm suddenly in the mood for a piece of pineapple upside-down cake.

April 16 is too far away.

Daniel Radcliffe is ready for his next franchise.

Nick Nolte?

Batman v. Wolverine: Dollar Dollar Bills, Y'all

Making fun of you for being a needlessly aggressive asshole isn't being toxic, champ. It's just plain fun. But hey, in the spirit of your previous comment, if the website is so toxic then don't fucking visit it.

I did love the moment where Jadis doesn't want to shake that hand and switches.

Awww….. you need a hug, little guy?