
Right? That's the main thing I was thinking watching him climb out of the gladiator trash pit with that open wound.

Wow. I just legitimately enjoyed the hell out of an episode of The Walking Dead for the first time in a very long time. I love bleak and depressing, but it's been mostly a boring, whiny, repetitive version of that forever. This was all kinds of glorious batshit fun. They need to keep increasing the weirdness.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake just went into hiding.

This was a fantastic episode. Everything worked for me. That is all.

After all these years?

I suppose I could be mistaken. Perhaps you should share your sources….. for investigative purposes of course.

Don't you fat shame Ziva.



For something I wasn't particularly looking forward to and only watched because of the casting, I can't believe how much I've fallen in love with this show. I was laughing aloud completely alone except for the dog (who appeared….concerned) through this entire episode. Damn near every line is quotable, and a droll

Yeah, I thought it usually hit right about the same time as the main segment would get posted to YouTube… usually when right after the west coast airing.

Oooooooo…. Rock me, Ahmadiyyah!

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner……

I completely get that for a lot of reasons that make me sound like more of a pretentious asshole than I am… which isn't inconsiderable. See… even that was pretentious. I think it's incredibly important how it's recieved, BUT I'm a big believer in intent over reception. I think more than a little of that is how much

I do, but I didn't mean to come across so dickishly. I do make an effort to curb that, but it's more difficult with just printed words. I'm glad you got my intended smartassedness with the Tom Hardy comment though.

I'll agree with that, and it does read harsher than I intended. I'm looking at from the vantage point of having seen the entire series which isn't fair, but also from the POV of someone who grew up in America brown. The constant hysteria now from white people professing "this isn't normal" has gotten old already.

Shirtless and surrounded by puppies.

Not to mention the fact that it was written and filmed long before that. Or the fact that Sorrentino himself has weighed in all that and what the show is about for those who can't follow along with what's happening on screen.

I say the exact same thing about Tom Hardy.

Millions of football fans just let out a sigh of relief.