
Doesn't say, but to redeem that Amazon $1 rental you have to click on the More Purchase Options button under the Rent and Buy ones. Otherwise you'll end up paying full price and have to go through Customer Service to get a refund.

Do not taunt the Hovertrax 2.0.

Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up.

Needs more Lena Dunham. And Bacon.

Me too. They were really fun together.

They have altered the UK's relationship with the rest of Europe. Pray they do not alter it any further.

The one where they mud wrestle?

Go ooonn……

Roger Deakins cinematography and a Nick Cave/Warren Ellis score? I'll be there for that every damn time…. such a gorgeous film.

They've officially reached the point where I don't need to know a damn thing about a film. As long as that logo is attached I know that at the very least I'm going to find the film pretty damn interesting.

Beaten by seconds.

Jesus Christ. Is this your Trump "just make some shit up" take on that interview? I watched it too, and even having just barely paid attention while doing something else I know that's not even close to what he said.

Calm down there, Ken Bone.

"I get dragged for a mile over rough forest floor, and my sweats get yanked off so now there's nothing between the ground and my cooter and tooter. Look, wasn't the worst time I had on all fours."

See, I actually like her way more than him, but I'd be pretty okay if both went away for a while…… and picked up Beyonce, Bradley Cooper, and Kevin Hart as well on the drive out of town.

Too late.

That was my takeaway from all this.

So while it didn't exactly stick the landing the way I was hoping, on the whole it was a pretty great season for a show I initially watched largely as a goof, expecting to drop it quickly. They did a great job, and I'd definitely be interested to see where they go with it next.

I was expecting a bit more from the Pope storyline as well and wondered it things got trimmed for time. Why else would you hire Bruce Davidson if that's all you were going to use him for?

She was very funny in that episode.