
I don't know if it's because you mistakenly believe next week is the finale and and viewed this through a very different framework, but I had a very different take on this week. Instead of "galloping" I thought it was nice that it slowed itself down and allowed itself to breathe. And a big part of that was the scene

Finale isn't until December 2 when they air episodes 9 and 10. One more next week and then off a week for the holiday. Not sure why he thinks it's next week.

I was sad to have to scroll so far down to see this and see that it had no votes.

You will.

Watched the first half of the new season last night and had to force myself to stop so I could get at least two nights out of it. If you liked the first season then I'm pretty sure you'll love the second based on what I've seen so far. It's fun and has so much heart.

Hopefully the original version pops up online or as an extra on the DVD release.

Jesus Christ, yes. He wasn't "channeling Buffy Summers." He was writing the only way he knows how….like a 15 year old boy who desperately wishes he was Shane Black. All of his characters, regardless of age, gender, background, etc… all speak in the same voice… not just Buffy.


She's undecided torn.

Probably. In which case I would like to register my outrage that Laurie Metcalf was not chosen for the role she originated presumably because she was too old. She's one our greatest living actors, and doesn't need much makeup at all to age her down. My point being that no matter what they do here, it's wrong. Wrong

More Laurie Metcalf in the world is good, but holy shit, she deserves better than this.

He has the best comments. Believe me.

I ain't got time to mow the lawn or pick up the kids.

I think we'll be okay. Whedon's spent his entire career desperately trying to be Shane Black, and on his best day still hasn't come close. It can't possibly be that bad.

The chemistry that has developed between these two is delightful, and their segments together have become something I really look forward to. I remember reading that they were possible candidates to fill Wilmore's vacant slot. I'm wondering if that's really true or a possibility.

I take umbrage with your offense!!!

I'm offended you think that.

Soooooo….. he's a comedian.

The new Triumph special the other day was beautiful. The bits in the focus group rooms with each candidates supporters trying to rationalize the increasingly horrific (but fake) audio recordings of their own nominee was absolute gold.

Fuck Tim Scott.