
Mr Shaw and Gemma were definitely the best parts of the show for me tonight.

Or to a play…. or the ballet…. or a concert of any kind…. or a book signing with an author reading….. or a lecture…..etc…

You gotta be amused by someone who doesn't mind slinging a little hate whilst still being too pious to type the word ass.

Wow. Maybe go sleep it off, champ. You clearly can't hold your booze and have actually managed to be creepier than your bigoted little friend Kevin here with this last round of comments.

This comment is something only 90's kids will understand.

Was that supposed to be English? And like everything else on this page, you're wrong about that too. He's still very much alive.

I didn't know Rob Lowe was on that now. I tried watching it before because I absolutely love the other two, but it was just so….. bland. Not like Grey's Anatomy bad…. just bland. Needed more Chicago Hope/ER/St Elsewhere. Has it gotten better?

Whomever dealt it, course.

Now I'm picturing David Bowie doing rental car commercials.

I hope he was having a stroke because otherwise that was just sad.

Zombie Tom Green?

They transcend proper names. When someone says "the band" we all know who they mean. No. No, they don't mean "The Band" You're missing the point and messing up my bit.

But he tries. He tries.


Dammit. Should've scrolled all the way down first.

You mean muppet. She's definitely Janice from the band.

Now I want that experience. The audio is actually the part I like best about seeing things on IMAX.

Hulu has all three specials. The first one that's mentioned in the article is the best. The summer special (2nd) was more a mixed bag. And the new Home Stretch one that I was talking about is short 30 minutes but still pretty damn funny.

Just finished it. Wow. That was not good. There were a couple decent bits (Yeah. I brought him back to life. Now he'll never die again,) but mostly that was pretty hacky at best. So many outdated generic bits. I kept waiting to hear about how bad airline food is.

"Hans…. Bubby…. I'm your white knight!"