
Thanks for the heads up on the Charlie Rose interview. I love that they've got everything on the site now.

"Emoji analysis. It's genius!"
"You're not giving her credit for being hilarious."

That was what I was looking for as well.

Once more you demonstrate why this is my favourite feature here, Will, and you're the best one to do it. Loved the part abouts Affliction and you just letting him run all over the place in the Graves portion. Thank you again.

I loved that as well. The highlight of that movie.

I for one am excited about the return of the goofy but lovable Tom Cavanagh of the Ed era. Speaking of which, how is there not a box set of that series by now?

Totally. But then I could've too so that it was more obvious that I was just busting your balls. Sorry about that. Even if you had meant it exactly the way it sounds there at the end I'd still take that over the people here who insist of very loudly and publicly letting everyone know how not racist they are and how

Well, if it was somehow sadly surprising to you that all black people were not going to do something then this'll blow your mind. Not all of us like Jazy Z or give a shit what he or his wife think about a goddamn thing.

Not nearly enough Batshit Barbara and Tabitha tonight.

Nooooooo! I hadn't even gotten around to trying the rosé even after a suspiciously high number of celebrities I saw raving about it on Colbert.

It is if you use Mentos as well!!!

That's where my mind went first too.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Trump is not the President America needs right now, but it's the one it deserves.

I like the ones where it's him speaking and not his cohorts. The Jodie Foster one is probably the one I love the most. That was a really great interview.

Yes. He's fine. He can be annoying sometimes, but it's kind of like an overly excited puppy who sometimes pisses the rug. Like you said, he genuinely cares and is emotionally invested in the things he talks about (and I'm sure is stunned that he's somehow parlayed that into a career), and that's far more refreshing

Exactly. And it wasn't a particularly different or satisfying arc.

Just about any other way would have been better. I mean this was so right up my alley because I love stories that are bleak or don't have happy endings most of the time. But the way they handled all of this just completely took me out of the show and left me not caring about the characters anymore.

I promise you'll be disappointed. And Kirkman let slip last season that they intended for him to be around for years. Years.

I liked Sons of Anarchy, but not for a single second would I ever try to convince anyone that it was good. Whedon fans on the other hand…… Jesus…… Jehovah's Witnesses are less delusional and aggressive about their bullshit.