
He's on the Atkins.

You're literally worse than Hitler, you monster.

Or Joss Whedon fans.

The Exorcist is much better. I'm still so surprised at how much I love it.

Walking Dead writing. Maggie wasn't ill anymore either. MAGIC!

I agree. Annoyed and bored is all I felt watching this which actually made it worse for me. If they had handled it better it would have been devastating, but instead I realized I was so annoyed by all of it that I didn't feel anything else about what was happening.

I've always cared about David Gilmour. He seems like a nice, thoughtful man who cares a great deal about his family and writes music I enjoy. Why, I bet having lunch, or sharing any meal with him really, would be an enjoyable experience.

Facts are for squares.

The enemy of my enemy is my……. Ah fuck… I've got nothing but enemies.

Agreed on all of this, especially at how impressive Hanah Kasulka (Casey) has turned out. Not once have I been taken out of performance or suddenly been aware that she's "acting" instead of just being the character. She even does a lot with just a look instead of speaking.

All I know is that I desperately need a LOT more of Strong and McKinnon's French duo. That was spectacular on several levels.

I liked Unstoppable too. Z for Zachariah is sitting in my Prime queue. I should get to that.


Arnold doing the commercial series for this stuff airing at 2am was a bit suprising as well.

Ain't nothing wrong with The Matador. I'm talking more recent stuff like The November Man and (shudder) Survivor.

Based on the fact that at this point Pierce takes roles in movies that even Bruce Willis would turn down (and yet I still watch), I have a hard time believing this.

I feel the same way after having seen The Finest Hours, which isn't amazing but still entertained me for a couple hours. Better than the reviews suggested. But he was actually acting in that as well and impressed me.

One of her many exes was shot to death near her home as well. Her life and guns just don't mix, and yet here she is in this shitshow.

Same boat as you on the Geena Davis reason. And have also been wondering about the season length since even Imdb didn't have a total listed. I did come across this last night while looking for what Dan was talking about as far as this being a 43 minute real time exorcism. It's claiming it's 10, and halfway through

I 'm not sure to be honest. I just found out about it a couple days ago myself, and I've avoided reading anything else about it other than it's one of those restorations where there might be a bit of dip in quality when it cuts to the returned footage. I would assume so though since it's his story.