
Hopefully with a Julee Cruise tune playing in the background.

Same. Rarely have I ever had as much of a turnaround as I did on the second viewing of this after years of just loathing it after the first.

"Puttin' feet in asses for a better tomorrow."

Only if it has Werner Herzon narration.

I could go the rest of my life without hearing how "woke" anyone is.

Oh that most certainly the case in many instances, and you're right. It's annoying. But even that's still preferable to the ones who constantly trying to correct the behaviour of others…. or who seem to be playing I Spy: Racism Edition where they're constantly trying to be the first to loudly point out something

Like you don't.

That train left a loooong time ago for me. I got tired of listening to white people use my skin as both an excuse to feel good about themselves and to be shitty to other people. I prefer the plain old fashioned racism I grew up with to the condescending, eye-roll inducing bullshit I hear most of the time these days.

Me too. If nothing else, Gavin O'Connor has never failed to at least entertain me for a couple hours, and Miracle and Warrior were both a hell of a lot of fun.

And I thought Puttin' on the Hits was odd an odd pairing with SNL.

Bone is the new Barb.

Two things?

Metacrawler for the all in one.

In my best Alan Rickman as Professor Snape impression, "Always."

There is an audio version of it from Audible, and you are absolutely correct. It is definitely the best way to experience the book.

Tried this again tonight because I really want something Sarayu Blue is in to succeed, but just no. Such a great supporting cast, and I'm always happy to see Pietz and McGinley. But they all deserve something better than this. I can't recall the last time I watched something where I hated the leads this much.

You mean like they do each and every time the show comes back from a break? Crazy! Thanks for the update though.

I agree completely. There was nothing ambiguous about what was happening. After reading this I went back and read the review of the pilot. Seems like both were busy typing their reviews rather than watching the screen.

Same. I tuned in just because of Geena Davis. I didn't even know Alan Ruck was in it. Wasn't expecting much, and it's certainly not perfect. But there's more than a couple compelling scenes, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it so far.

I had the same reaction. The first few notes out of her and I was hooked. Then by the time she did "Clay" in the finals I was happy I was watching alone. I think Cowell's comment was more about what he envisions her level of popularity being rather than her style. She said in an interview that she likes Swift but