
That list is way too long…. so I'll say that for the last few months it's been:

On the one hand, I'm really intrigued by and want to see Passengers in December. On the other…. Jesus, I wish Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence would go away…. and maybe pick up Bradley Cooper and Chris Hart on their way out of town.

You definitely made the right call with Falling Skies. I, unfortunately, did not.

Tuned in entirely for Sarayu Blue who didn't get nearly enough screen time. Didn't know Amy Pietz was in this, so that was a nice surprise. And overall the supporting cast was fantastic.

He's practically a one-man cottage industry of the genre.

I do not believe it.

I cannot wait to see the Russian roulette scene where as the twist this time it's Walken who has to try talk De Niro down as he and little Kevin take turns in their battle for the bedroom.

And The Prophecy trilogy.

No need for all that. It came to Netflix just the other day.

Donal definitely. I prefer Penguin to Riddler who runs hot and cold for me, but he's been pretty on lately. Happy to see them reunited. Hopefully wacky murderous hijinks ensue.

Oh yeah! I like him better here.

More machine than man. Twisted and evil.

I think he's watching a very different show.

I love that Barbara went from being a character I dreaded seeing onscreen because of all the CW-y melodroma with her to now being one of the top two or three I look forward to. I can watch Erin Richards chew scenery all night long. Almost stabbing the Hatter during the hypnotism scene was gold. "She doesn't handle

Works for me. For so many of the shows I just skip to the comments to see what everyone else is saying anyway… McCown's Mr. Robot recaps being the biggest exception to that. Seems like an easy way to garner clicks without investing a bunch of time on an actual written piece.

It's a feature…not a bug.

Behold! A rare, legitimately Great Job, Internet has been spotted in the wild.

Walken's whole performance in this was fantastic, and that line about Creasy painting his masterpiece is gold…. pure cheesy, wonderful gold.

I unabashedly love that movie. I understand all the reasons it doesn't work for a lot of people, but it just clicked with me. The acting, the music, the updated story, and even the hyper-stylized look just completely hooked me and continue to do so on rewatch.

Vaya con dios, FtWD. I wanted so much to love you since you had Cliff Curtis, Ruben Blades, and perpetually-stuck-in-material-she's-better-than Kim Dickens, but goddamn you had some of the worst writing I've ever seen on television. There's just too many better options to spend time on out there now.