
Needs more Predator.

Jurrasic World 2: Godzooky's Revenge

It's the one my girlfriend wants us to use as our first dance song when we get married.

It might seem like a lot to sit through just to get to a really good Alan Alda performance, but it's mostly worth it.

The cast supports the Death Blossom for everyone.

It's clearly going to take input of a Vine "star" to really bring the whole thing together.

Muskrat Love?

There have been quite a few things I've seen that I wouldn't normally otherwise for exactly that reason.

Teenage me's crush on Holly Robinson begs to differ with you.

To be fair, Amazon tells me the paperback is almost 900 pages, so maybe you saw that?

Yeah. I'm gonna echo the other comments here and say you should really check out 19. It had been well over a decade since I'd watched with any kind of regularity when I started on it, but I was hooked right from the start. It was exceptional social satire, and it hit from all sides without punching down. Was

Fuck the Food Club or whatever it's called.

Here's hoping it's live-streamed or at least recorded by someone who knows how to hold a phone in landscape mode.

I thought so. Because of the circumstances at the time after he'd almost died from being hit by the van and the fact that he chose pen and paper, I thought if felt like a more personal story instead of just something else he cranked out. It reminded me a lot of IT or Different Seasons, especially "The Body" (Stand

I think that may widest gulf between a book I really enjoyed and its movie adaptation that I utterly loathed.

Hooray! The Chosen One has returned to us just as the prophecy said he would!

We are a small but rabidly devoted fan base…. still infinitely less annoying that the Joss Whedon/Firefly ones though.

Oh :( So many dead people in your examples.

As long as McCormick can be played by Beloved Character Actress Margot Martindale.

For a second I actually liked the idea of more of Denzel from Deja Vu and or Man on Fire (however that would work). Then I remembered they were both Scott movies, and now I am sad.