
Coming right after the Harcastle & McCormick, Matt Houston, Blue Thunder, and Riptide reboots.

Encore is airing the final season right now. I was flipping through the other day and saw Limbo for the first time in years. Unfinished Business is coming up soon, which I always loved because when Magnum goes rogue and gets ready to assassinate the guy trying to kill Michele and Lily they did a Miami Vice-style

He's pretty damn good when he wants to be. Check him out in the Eisenhower movie he did (sans moustache) or especially in all the Jesse Stone movies. Even back in the Magnum days, when they weren't doing case-of-the-week stuff it got pretty damn dark. Any of the episodes that involved Vietnam and/or his wife and

I would pay handsomely to see that.

Checks out.

Got really excited for a second seeing Millennium up there, but now I'm guessing that's the Kris Kristofferson sci-fi movie and not the Lance Henrickson tv show.

Low self-esteem and too much free time?

I use Spuds Mackenzie. You don't need to know what for.

You can use it to make shitty hipster beer.

It's the sad but appropriately perfect way to cap off my morning.

I love Ed and wish it would get released to disc or streaming. I had hoped that Bowen and Cavanaugh both had high enough profiles now that there'd be enough of an interest to get a box set.

Absolutely. Those people in recent years who are terminal and in the end stages of whatever who make special requests of directors to see their films before they're released? I get that. I'd definitely be trying to get Esmail on the phone to explain the ending so I could die in peace. I hate not knowing the whole

Two things?

I want to say I'd be good either way, but she's been so much fun to watch this year that I'd hate to see her go.

First of all, just like the end of last year, thanks again for doing these, Alex. They’re insightful and fun and pretty much the only ones I don’t just skip over to hit the comment section. This was a strange solid year for the show and your reviews were a great companion to that.

The My Little Pony bit at the end would definitely benefit from some randomly placed air horn blast effects.

Two things?

Username/comment synergy.

"No matter who wins, we lose."

And everything else he wrote after that where no matter who they are or how old they are everyone speaks in the exact same voice….that voice being that of sheltered 14 year old boy who desperately wishes he was Shane Black.