
Is the depressingly clear picture that lately you've been reposting entirely too much crap from Gawker, the last place on the internet that should be critical of… well, pretty much anyone considering their target readership and who they employ?

3am can't get here fast enough!

Good to know about the GUI reference. I just took that as a callback to the Alabama Shakes song they closed out last season with all the way up to him opening the door.

Leon's Guide to Quality Television and Effectively Dispatching Aryan Brotherhood Members for Nebulous Chinese Hacking Collectives

That's the best way to watch this series I've found for me. The sound design is AMAZING! There's so many small details that I miss even with a pretty decent surround system.

Agreed on all counts. I actually really loved the wide shot of them facing each other, slightly silhouetted as they were speaking as well.

As a diehard Mad About You fan who still occasionally catches the reruns at 7am on FXX I have to agree with Leon…. Paul Reiser is spectacular.

"It was a banner fucking year at the old Bender Xanderpuss family…."

Can't stand horror movies. They're pretty much never actually scary as much as they're endlessly annoying. But Stephen Lang and Jane Levy mean I absolutely must see this.

It's on Prime but leaving the same day. Since it's gone from both of those you might want to see if it shows up on Hulu (which I don't have) sometime after that. I'm actually trying to watch the whole thing on Prime for the very first time now.

It's leaving from there on the same day. Hulu must be getting it if the other two are both losing it I guess.

Cave of Forgotten Dreams was also an excellent demonstration of how to make use of 3D properly.

Or Joan Van Ark from Knot's Landing?

Carly Chaikin is a goddamn treasure. She gets a forever pass for Dalia, and she's killing (literally) on Mr Robot.

OMG. That would be like fabulous. Whatever.

The loss of Dalia was what saddened me most about Suburgatory being cancelled, but Carly landed here and has just been getting better and better.

This show does an amazing job with the way it integrates its song choices. Loved the way Angela's "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" was played against Darlene and company's exploits. "Love on a Real Train," "Sound and Colour," and "Take Me Home" were all brilliantly carried off as well in previous episodes I

What??? Not one mention of Little Witches? Blasphemy, I say!

Yup. He also wants to be a singer too…. which you can judge for yourself as you listen to him sing the theme song from his newest movie here:…