
Now I'll probably never not be able to. Thanks for that.

Finally. This is the only important question.

Can we murder it in a well?

And yet she still wasn't as annoying to watch as the other two.

Maybe it was some kind of meta thing by the showrunners? By having him behave so inanely, the audience feels the same sense of incredulousness and confusion that he felt upon locking eyes with the kid limping amongst the zombies….. or something?

She is definitely the least worst.

That day can't come soon enough… for all of the kids on this show actually.

That was fucking dumb as well, but I got what they were going for. That was supposed to be a callback to the conversation he had last season with his mom about how he thought he couldn't die. Also, the one guy did see that he was still human right before he dropped his bullets and then inexplicably chose not to just

Seeing him was the only time in the episode I got excited.

We had very different reactions to this. That was fucking awful. Focusing on the least interesting character on the show is a good way to get me to quit. I love Cliff Curtis and Ruben Blades, and I'll watch Kim Dickens in absolutely anything. But I'll be damned if I waste as much time on this as I did the main

I don't always agree with Jon, but I did love that he challenged Axelrod on several points. Also loved him basically asking, "what's really that different?" when asked if he regretted getting out before this cycle.

Liking Hamilton Nolan is essentially the same as walking around wearing a sandwich board announcing that you're not particularly bright and exceedingly white.

That's what I had to do after the Darlene reveal last year. And that was after I already was rewatching certain episodes like the drug trip in episode 4 again. I know I'll have to see this entire season again before it's done.

I was honestly only surprised Leon wasn't standing there with a samurai sword when Elliot turned around. He reminds me so much of this kid I grew up around with the things he was saying that may as well have been the inspiration for Ghost Dog.

Goddamn that was depressing as hell to read a few months ago… especially the "Am I alive? Yes. Am I happy? No." bit. You have the surgery that's supposed to save your life, and then you figure out your life was better when you were going to die young(er) is a particularly shitty twist on O'Henry.

Hate to disappoint you, but they've been here for a while. And for that matter, the amount of shit The AV Club has been reposting from over there has been up as well.

Stallone, not Williams.

You can't begin to know how much I loved reading that next to your avatar.

Jesus christ. That's some straight up Gawker-level of malicious and stupid bullshit right there.

I thought your entire schtick was pretty much doing that wherever you found yourself at the moment, no?