
I agree with all of this. I'm mixed…. like really mixed. Black, a couple flavours of Asian, Italian, Greek, and some muddled up American Indian and Spanish that I'm not sure of. There's more in there I'm sure, but it never really mattered enough to me to find out. There's a strain in my family, me included, that's

Good God.

I've seen it and love it. It sucks that that get gets misinterpreted or twisted as often as it does because it's a perfect answer. I've reached a point here where it's much less frustrating to just deal with the bigoted racist jackasses than to deal with the ones who may be trying to do the right thing or the ones

Not especially. I haven't really lived in the US full time in over 20 years. I grew up in the Deep South but don't have an accent either. I also use the metric system far more than I do imperial measurements. And as far as spelling, I go back and forth to a degree. But since I live and work outside the States,

I mean, I guess it depends on why you quit Gotham. The comments I've seen on the reviews here are pretty silly if you ask me. It's mostly people who don't like the show but for some reason continue to watch it and bitch about it, or who somehow think it's going to turn into a show it clearly has no intention of ever

Whedon writes dialogue like a 14 year old boy who's never seen anything but Shane Black movies, and he's no Shane Black. That's not even to say anything of the fact that every character speaks in pretty much the exact same voice no matter who they are or how old they are. I mean, sit and close your eyes during that

Terry McMillan made a similar point a few weeks ago on the Daily Show. She also wasn't particularly pleased about being lumped in with Shonda…. which is completely understandable.

That's odd. You don't look like a My Little Pony gimmick account.

Nice. That pretty much does say it all.

It was. But tea sounds like a fantastic plan.

The ER use of Battleflag was a good one.

That was a really good one. Also, "Save the Last Dance for Me" after the shootout in the squadroom and during the surgeries on Fallen Heroes. And Robert Plant's "Watching You" in was pretty intense and one of the better moments from the final season.

I have to agree. He's been going downhill for a while. This isn't groundbreaking or anywhere near as provocative material as the reviewer seems to think it is. And the audience damn sure wasn't as uncomfortable as he writes. The quiet parts weren't because they were offended. It just was during large stretches of

It looked more like someone going to the can, not angrily stomping off alone without whoever else she was there with.

True. I'd have rather he just either reused the original or maybe even went with Tupac's "Starin' Through My Rearview" and have that sample be the callback to the series. The Linkin Park cover band approach was all wrong.

The Nonpoint version? Yeah. I'm not sure what Mann was thinking with that. I'm one of the only people I know that genuinely likes that movie, but that was just not good. There were quite a few other tracks I liked though.

Ohhh. That was definitely a good use of that song then too.

YUP. I haven't even gotten into the interview yet. Had to scroll down here first to see if anyone else had said that. That is ridiculously adorable. I want to adopt them both. This must be what My Little Ponies feel like all the time. It's happy which is unnerving. I'll probably have to go look at that Margot

Nobody but Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis should ever be allowed to dance to Sam Cooke's "What a Wonderful World"

Straight into 99 Luftballoons. That look on Minnie's face!