
Allow me to add my voice to the displeased. I like the show and enjoyed your recaps.

Agreed. But even if it is the latter I can't pretend like I won't be buying a ticket no matter how bad it turns out.

Me too. Showbiz was way better than that stupid rat.

Gary's rant was magnificent. As was Ben saying that it made the whole year worth it.

Exact same music. I know that soundtrack by heart and instantly recognised it.

I know what I'm doing this afternoon now.

I liked that too. Tom Cavanagh played the detective, which was the big draw for me. It still gets rerun fairly regularly on one of the Lifetime channels.

Just came back from seeing it as well, and you've summed it up perfectly.

YES! I was lukewarm on this season until this episode, which completely turned things around for me. Her being back and the Lolly flashback elevated the hell out of things.

That is a definite plus as compared to when I was a kid and you had to wait years sometimes for home release or for something to end up on broadcast television. I do love that we're getting more and more same day VOD releases now too.

"Shoot him again….. his soul's still dancing"

Was absolutely crushed when I looked and saw that this isn't playing on any of the dozens of screens nearby come Friday. At least one of them got The Neon Demon so I suppose it's that and Free State of Jones for me this weekend.

Besides that unnatural and disgusting colour, Cheeto dust has the chemical feel, smell, and taste of the ashes of a dude whose three main pleasures in life were meth, Mountain Dew, and cornholing his sister.

Jesus Christ, yes! I saw this listed as coming to Amazon Prime this week and got so excited. Then I clicked, and now I'm already disinclined to see the show without even knowing what it's about.

Lord knows I have.

Great episode. Plus a rare live-action appearance by Sumalee Montano!

Odd Thomas was actually a pretty solid, if low-budget, adaptation of the first book in the series (which I surprisingly recommend). Anton and Addison Timlin were great together.

You're soo faaarrrr away from me….

I love Neal, but the writing on that show….. Life's too short, and I had to pack it in after 2 seasons. Reading the recaps and having to sit through the the crossovers with The Flash has only reaffirmed that decision.
And while I GREATLY admire Amell's enthusiasm for the show and dedication to the fans, watching him

3 (with John Ridley), 4 (with Brandon Routh), and 12 were the ones I loved most. Bert was brilliant. This was the perfect end to a pretty much perfect season for me.