
Listened to this earlier today and absolutely loved it. Thought it was the best album since the first, and I felt very much the same way as I did hearing that one for the first time 20 years ago.

Nooooooo. I was really hoping to be able to watch Connie Britton in something new and better.

I didn't even know she was in that. I wanted to see it, but it disappeared before I got a chance to.

That was magical. Plus I was happy to see Stepanie Weir. Her popping up here and on Lady Dynamite in the last couple weeks has reminded me just how much I've missed her.


I like him a lot as Tom Selleck's shrink in the Jesse Stone movies.

1. Scarlett Johansson
2. Eliza Dushku
3. Emilia Clarke
4. Minnie Driver

If you have Amazon Prime then I'd suggest you check out The Truth About Love tour as well. Amazing show. She does that there too, but that's just one part of the whole show. There's so much more she has to pull off including flying around the damn audience at the end and all whilst actually singing instead of just

She works, but my first choice would always be Pink. She's shown some acting chops, nails the look better than anyone else mentioned so far, and if you've seen the video for "Try" then you know she has the physicality to come across as a heavyweight in the MCU.

Completely read that in Groundskeeper Willie's voice.

Delayed? DELAYED???

God I hate Netflix. How is that despite my overwhelming voting for standup specials, having already voted for it before it was on Netflix, and enthusiastic support for her new show that "The Special Special Special" doesn't get recommended to me?

Exactly. There may not be the big thematic episodes that come later, but there's so many small moments that come into play and moments that flesh out and give depth to the characters that it's better not to skip past them.

Episode 5 of that season is my favourite of the entire series. It's not the best one, but for personal reasons it hits all the right notes. Shaw is perfect in it.

They sure CW'd the fuck out of that.

I loved this episode so much. I grew up brown in the deep south. I live outside the States most of the time now, and now when I have to come back to deal with things like family issues I increasingly also have to deal with the "well-meaning white person." I can walk outside my parents front door and be at the very

More like failure, loneliness, and resignation.

Me too. All the arcs are coming back to me now, and I'm imagining how gloriously over-the-top so many of those scenes would be on screen.

That was great fun and much better than I thought it would turn out to be. I'm trying to picture what that must've looked like to everyone not already familiar with the story.

It's your 6000th comment! Congrats! Probably not a big deal, but I just scrolled past your name and saw the 6000 pop up. I like round numbers and celebrate weird shit like odometers rolling over. I'll see myself out now.