
That's 4 and I had to keep hitting pause to keep from missing bits because I was laughing so much.

Episode 3 was gold!! John Ridley nailed what a big part of my life feels like when I come back to America now.

Been waiting forever for this, and it's even better than I had hoped. I was really happy to see the criminally underused Stephanie Weir, and Ana Gasteyer is absolutely fantastic. Several episodes in so far and it just keeps getting better. Totally worth the wait.

Nice. That's definitely a Cliff Martinez track. I did like what he did for Drive, but Solaris, Contagion, and The Knick are the scores of his I like best. Can't wait to hear the rest of this.

It might be short, but I'd still ante up to see that in Imax 3D.

No matter who wins, we all lose.

Go on…

I'd really like to see them make a malt liquor ad like the ones I'd see as a kid.

Me too. New Shane Black is cause for celebration. And after watching Crowe and Gosling together on Colbert the other night it looks like they've got some Kilmer/RDJ levels of chemistry going on.

He looks like he smells like whatever that godawful stench is that you encounter if you accidentally wander too close to the entrance of an Abercrombie store.

in the bathroom…. with the door and window closed and the fan turned off…. and a towel stuffed under the door.

I've gone down some hours-long, deep rabbit holes just following recommendations from one movie to the next of the most obscure straight-to-DVD or made-for-TV titles I've never heard of on Prime. There's a lot of crap, but frankly it's weirder, more interesting crap than Netflix constantly tries to push at me.

Wow! That doesn't look good at all! Who's the target audience for this? People who find NCIS too thinky?

All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom, and a poom-poom

Hopefully Barry gets the stupid out of his system over the summer break before we dive into the Iris relationship next year. Plus, it'd be nice if for once they didn't CW the fuck out of things by injecting the relationship with teeny melodrama. I know it's a big ask, but a stable relationship on tv would be cool,

Truly. This show's problems are much more significant and much bigger than its time slot.

Finally!! It feels like I've been waiting on this forever.

Alex Desert from the old show gets cast as Joe's long lost brother who brings along his kids who all must be shielded from the knowledge of The Secret Identity until they of course become speedsters themselves.

That's be nice, but I'd rather see Richard Belzer come back.

John Wesley Shipp and Amanda Pays meeting for the "first" time was fantastic. My nostalgia buttons were sufficiently pushed.