
I don't mind the relationship so much, but that whole long drawn out storyline at the end with Jason Gedrick in it was awful. He was good, but goddamn that went on too long.

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Sounds good to me. I've enjoyed Major Crimes much more than The Closer.

Kind of a different animal despite being under the Gawker umbrella. Kind of. Io9 used to be that way once upon a time as well, but now it's mostly people pissing and moaning about absolutely everything that comes out that isn't a Marvel movie (and still sometimes then) and a ridiculous number of spoiled white

WABC….All Shonda all the time.

I wasn't particularly a fan of Blood's, but I'd happily trade both of them for Skye and Lincoln.

I still haven't seen Cosmopolis. For some reason that's just felt like something I should see out of obligation because I like Cronenberg rather than because I was genuinely interested, so every time I get ready to watch I end up finding something else that interests me more. Sorry.

I loved The Lobster. That should make for a fun and weird afternoon.

Might as well be. The people who take FoxNews seriously are the exact same kind of assholes as the ones who take Gawker/Jezebel seriously. They've just latched onto to different ideologies that neither really understands but still allows both to act like dicks to everyone else and wallow in self-righteousness.

Agreed. It's a good movie. It has some great performances. Visually it's absolutely stunning in spots and never boring throughout. It has an excellent score and soundtrack. And yet I'm still not sure if I really liked it or not. But it is absolutely worth seeing. I saw some comparisons to Snowpiercer, which I

More Bear. More slippers.

Saw them 20 years ago at Lakewood the week after the Olympics. One of the most amazing shows I've ever seen Was worth it just for the guitar solo in From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea.

Needs more Bear and Shaw. Otherwise it was a great episode. Hopefully we see more Annie Parisse and Keith David before all is said and done.

Tonight, on a very special episode of The Flash….

Exactly. I love ambiguous or even dark endings. I liked controversial ones like The Sopranos, LOST, and was even generally fine with the lumberjack Dexter ending that everyone else hated. But this was just a mess. The whole thing felt like some half-assed thing they threw together in an afternoon just to get it

Louis did a full hour with Charlie Rose recently where he talks in depth about continuing Louie, Horace & Pete, and things like the Trump email.

How very appropriate.

I could watch Tonya Pinkns and BD Wong chew scenery together all day long.

Oh wow. I wish I could see it again for the first time. You think it's different where you're at now compared to the beginning….. wait til you're cruising into the last few episodes of season 4. I'd have never guessed after watching the first few episodes that it would have turned into what it is or that I would be

I haven't had a chance to take a look yet today, but we all knew they were coming.