
It is. Good catch.

I actually liked him punching the Zodiac killer button over and over and over. It was ridiculous and silly the way Gilbert Gottfried did that at Bob Saget's roast using a fake rumor about Saget.…

Obama killed. Especially loved the jab at the press for their non-stop Trump attention:

Yeah, it wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either. Reminded me a lot of Grace Under Fire or Roseanne if they could've "fuck." Plus, watching Sam Elliot is always fun.

For some reason I read that title as "a lack of donors" and for a brief and glorious moment thought we were in for whole different type of season this go around.

And tits. But both of those are true of almost everything.

Tits & Dragons 2016: Feel the Burn

Really good Random Roles, Alex. Boston Legal was where I first really took notice of her. She was so much fun. Then I went looking and realized how many things I'd seen her in before where she had just fit in seamlessly.

Episode 4 was actually pretty good and worth a look. But other than that, yeah, you made the right decision.

That was weak. Him and Kirkman both with the whole "this was about Rick, not about who died" bit.

It was for me. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but that was just a big fuck you to the people who have sat through all the filler.

I don't mind cliffhangers, but that was just plain insulting to the fans after this slog of a season. Everything after Morgan's solo spot in episode 4 was just filler killing time until the last 10 minutes of this episode.

I saw that mentioned on C-SPAN's Book Discussion series. Fred Kaplan was there promoting his book, Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War, and that was one of the stories he told. The whole thing was fascinating. I ended up putting it on hold at the library. You can see the episode here: http://www.c-spa

What app?

Speed Force.

This is the comment and songs I came looking for.

From Charleston. This is accurate. With the exception of Greenville, the further you get from the coastline the crazier it gets.

"I pray to the sweet black baby Jesus you put me on hold one more time, Negro."

I think he's only stood up once when Tom Noonan was about to kick that hipster's ass. He gets his couple of lines, and that's it. He's like the weirder, lazier version of Norm. It definitely is awesome. There's just never enough Steven Wright in the world for me.

"This is funny, right?" That whole scene with Cathey and Pittman was perfect and definitely needed to balance out Pete learning he's facing a return to hell or possible suicide.