
Angry much? Relax

Adventures of the Rock- such a great name for a cookie clicker clone. But also just a great platformer idea. Similar to Virtual Mat.

This pic made me laugh for five minutes.

Finally Rosita grows some dimension to her character, which she needed. But I get my guard up whenver we see a 2nd tier character (is Rosita main tier?) all of a sudden get a sympathy-boosting scene. (see Denise, Noah, um, that kid that learned martial arts from Morgan, on and on). So it seemed it was Rosita’s send

Ok, that video won me over. Yep. That looks amazing.
My only question is if some of that wavy distortion and color glitching will get annoying/tiresome after a while.

I’m really glad this story is coming out! The gamestop used game system is bad for customers but even worse for developers struggling to keep their jobs as well.

Yeah, your comment doesn’t hold water. This was a noble effort to keep things fresh while _exactly_ answering what fans have been clammoring for. Make it scary again.

The part about VR in the article made me lol

The Dark Knight also didn’t get nominated for Best Picture which was criminal. Not the best picture we deserved, apparently...

I didn’t think I would love it so much, but (when it worked) snapping Netflix or live TV to the side turned out to be something I loved. But the system has been pretty buggy. 
Realizing this was a new ‘need’, I just put an old TV next to my real TV.

This is the biggest bit of information I was waiting to hear about for the Switch announcment.
DO we get to play all the games we already bought? Or do they expect me to buy all the Zelda games all over again on a new system?

... and I thank you sir

This movie confirmed the idea that there are more stories that can be told and told well in the Star Wars universe. We have new families to follow, new planets, new factions, new ways to see the force at work. And it was exciting and wonderful to watch.

I loved Curse of Monkey Island soooo much
I really want to play it again in higher res. I loved the original art style as well, so hopefully it will still be true to that.

I love ‘cheesecake’ stuff, so, to each his own I guess

Oh man, that was brutal. I feel a little sorry for the devs outside the door.
I’m sure people who are fans of the genre will have a better experience.

“Before social media such a “news” source didn’t exist, so people were forced to confront actual facts.”
“Actual facts” might be a bit of a stretch. When has the news ever just presented facts with no bias? I think what you mean to say is it was at least more well rounded.

You mean so that it can be left-biased or right-biased?
Aren’t you sick of that?

I felt exactly the same way. I jumped back on to spend some money as a last effort to get the skins I wanted but didn’t get. Was sad to see it ended early.

The problem for me is games like Destiny exist now. I still want to play Titanfall2, but without having more of a larger co-op experience, I feel less motivated to rush out and buy it.