
Joe and Cameron dancing at the party as if it was 1982 and the previous 8 years (?) hadn't happened was charming as hell. Watching that scene it really felt like two people who hadn't seen each other in four years.

I would know it if I heard it, but no, i can't hum it. I was incredibly disappointed by the Episode VII score.

I've bought more brand new movies on DVD/blu-ray in the last six months than I did in the previous three years. Physical copies are an invaluable tool for quietly judging people when you visit their home for the first time.

That was a good one. They really hit a groove with the music in the first half of season 1. I listen to The Truth regularly.

I've wondered if The Machine was actually playing "Fortune Days" as part of the simulation.

What were everyone's favorite needle drops from the series? I discovered a lot of new music and bands thanks to Person of Interest.

I enjoyed Alcatraz and am guilty of having initially gotten on that band wagon over PoI. It's kind of hilarious that its "first season" fell into the case of the week trap more on Fox than PoI even did.

It says something about PoI that it can use previously produced movie scores and it just feels natural. I would never have thought it wasn't a song created by the show.

I didn't take as him wanting to die a hero, he wanted to die for something and for it to have meaning.

"I would have so lost my shit if anything had happened to Fusco."

"Relevance" was a game changer for the series, not just because it introduced Shaw.

My biggest disappointment with this season has been we didn't get one last hoorah with Zoe Morgan. Her and John were perfect together.

I love how Fusco's story came full circle. He started out in the pilot driving a car with a handcuffed Reese in the back seat, who gets the drop on him. Now he was handcuffed in the backseat, a position he should have been in 5 years ago, and he's getting the drop on the bad guy. I love book ends/symmetry.

You could say that about every Arrow season finale in relation to each of the Nolan Batman movies.

"Let Chris tell me!"

As soon as Trent started taking off his Browns jacket I started laughing.

Yes, this has definitely been in the works for awhile.

My dad told me when he saw it in theaters the crowd cheered when the capsule reappeared. Only time that's happened to me was at a screening of Harrison Ford's "Firewall."

Valkyrie perfectly crafted its suspense to make me question whether Hitler died by suicide or not.

I'd be so happy if Future Start Slow was played again this season, but the season started with a The Kills song, so I can't be beggar.