I want it in color, not grayscale. And a super-dark metallic shade of a color is now on my no-fly list too. Seriously, what is this shit they’re pushing on people these days? It can’t just be like a nice british racing green, it’s like someone accidentally got a bit of green in their black metallic.
“Why should we give you this bailout if you cannot run your company efficiently?”
“How dare you run your company efficiently, we demand answers!”
1st Gear: GM blah, blah, blah . . .
Is the plant capable of handling such a vehicle? Is it too large, too small, or incapable of it from a technical standpoint? Tooling a plant and setting up an assembly line is very expensive and time consuming. It’s possible making that plant work for the Blazer would cost billions.
Neutral: Fuck that! I hate GM, I never support them, but in this issue I have to. Keep a plant open to appease congress and build what exactly? The plants being shuttered build products that arent being bought, but they’re expected to keep building those products and just not sell them. Well they could just retool the…
GM’s Open Mind:
1st Gear:
*Narrator Voice*, December 4th, Two Thousand Eighteen at 9:04 am on the east coast, just 4 days before the 77 anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Chevrolet declared war on Low Drag Coefficient Numbers.
You can absolutely optimize everything in your life, provided you understand the trade offs, which is what you highlighted with the Christmas tree example.
At the point where I’m considering a Golf R, I don’t mind spending an extra $2,500 for a really cool color.
How much for the Harlequin edition >?