
@Ham_Sandwich: CNN not biased? I don't know what CNN you are watching. Their bias isn't as crazy as Fox or MSNBC, but it is there. BBC is probably about as biased as CNN. But, yeah, I agree about your point of people having too few sources. I think that everybody should read sources from all over the spectrum so that

@zhinker: I like that about the BBC. Even when both sides are not equal, it is good to present them as such, because there both sides always at least have one legitimate point, and if both sides aren't presented as equal, that point will get lost. Also, they have some pretty cool graphics when elections come around.

@Relyt: I don't hate Al Jazeera, but I wouldn't blindly agree with them. They have their biases just like anybody else. I guess the network I would blindly agree with on most issues (but not all) is the BBC.

5 meters /= 5 feet

@bearslayer: But bombs like that aren't really practical. You could destroy a lot more with a lot of significantly smaller (but still huge) nukes that with one huge nuke.

Did they try looking for units that were returning in 3 months and had lost a soldier in the day or two preceding that call? I know it probably wouldn't narrow it down a huge amount, but it might make it a bit more likely to find the caller.

@aNak: But if science says that it is possible, you can't just go and say that it isn't. I understand that science is fallible, that doesn't mean that science is always wrong.

@jfwlucy: I don't see where it assumes that all women all liars.

@SKiTz: Often alternating between two, but they're blue jeans. I doubt that anybody would notice if I did wear the same pair several days in a row.

I would hardly call cold fusion modern day alchemy. We currently aren't able to do it, and it does turn one element into another, but cold fusion is possible.

@tidymaze: My blazer, ties, and trousers. Everything else will survive the wash.

@SKiTz: I wear mine for 4-5 days in between washes. While mine aren't super nice, I do so for practical reasons: they don't get that dirty very quickly and that means that I only need two or three pair.

@phunnyballs: A more accurate headline would have been, "Pretend Mars Mission Just Over Half Done"

@meatbag_pussrocket: I'm sorry, but that site appears to be wrong. First, both Latin and Germanic languages are Indo-European, and it implies that Latin is not. Second, many other sources imply that Germanic languages and Italic Languages, while in the same Indo-European family, are not developed from each other.

@meatbag_pussrocket: Actually, English is more of a Germanic language than a Romantic language.

@ditikos: Then how come our life expectancy is longer than ever before? I do agree that drugs alone can't solve everything, but I would hardly say a natural solution is better than a chemical one.

@taniquetil: hearted. I still play the Project Reality mod for BF2. Vanilla may be almost 6 years old, but it was an amazing game, and PR is an amazing mod.

@The Terminator: I assume that he didn't let the spoon flip up, because of the fact that the grenade did not go off. Either that, or the fuse didn't go off because it is a 70 y.o. grenade.