
@TheTonyShow: "D'oh. I wrote "hundreds of billions", then figured it probably exceeded a trillion." So pretty much you have no sources and decided to make up a big number and say that the government was spending it?

@gizmodocon: Did you not actually read the letter? The whole point is that instead of it being delivered to your whole body, it is just delivered to your skin. That means that there may be a dose equal to or higher than an x-ray, without proper review, we can't know.

@.Trenchant.: You just explained why it uses more power for the Kinect voice commands. If it requires the CPU to be active, then it might as well be all the way on (power wise).

@jetRink: Always happy to see a Frost poem in a tech blog.

@Drive-by troll: Everyone except for people killed by drug related violence.

@PHXPhoto: "Did the U.S. Government fund the research that let to the founding of the Ford Motor Company?" So the U.S. government has a right to tax any internet company?

@pagan_god: In the article, it says, "Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda." That means that Google is only short-changing other governments, not the U.S.

@PHXPhoto: So if Ford sells a car in Germany, and the money stays entirely in Ford's German branch, Ford should have to pay both U.S. and German taxes?

@anitesh.jaswal: There's already a strong precedent for suing the government.

@McBeese: That so called, "offshore loophole strategy" is entirely legitimate. The way that it works is that money they make overseas that never enters the U.S. is taxed by the country that it is made in. Why does the U.S. have to right to tax Google for money that wasn't made in the U.S. and never entered the U.S.?

@Graviton1066: You've said that it's wrong to hand over the space program to private companies but you haven't said why. Right now, you're pretty much saying, we shouldn't hand over our space program to private companies because we shouldn't hand over our space program to private companies. How will it hurt us to do

@Graviton1066: What contempt for the space program? Cancelling Constellation was a good thing. He's increasing NASA's funding by $6 billion a year and has stated a plan to get to an asteroid by 2025 and to mars by the 2030's. That's doing just as much as Constellation.

I'm pretty sure that he hit the truck, the trick didn't hit him.

I wouldn't say that all animals would be too out of their element to live in a skyscraper. Peregrine falcons do it all the time.

There are paratroopers who train specifically to jump into forests.

@DaveyNC: Scientists aren't saying that climate change will destroy the world. Yes, the world has been much warmer than it is. However, agriculture since the temperature has been around the same that it is now. While it will take a lot more than a few degrees of change to directly kill of humans, those few degrees

It could be related to their announcement that they will be using openID. Maybe that google brings the internet together?

@darngooddesign: That's just another name for a case. Your argument doesn't really hold up. The advertised point of the bumper case is to protect the iPhone if it is dropped. The advertised function of the iPod socks is not to keep the iPod from getting cold.