As John Oliver said just last night, this administration reacts to getting caught doing racist shit by acting offended that anyone is suggesting they might be doing racist shit...
Honestly, I think providing an explanation might go a long way toward shutting up some of the, “I don’t understand what the problem is” people.
I’m a big fan of Rogerian theory in argumentative practice—the core idea being that we all agree, at some point along a line of ideas, that a given thing is important. It’s how…
So, it was all a big hoax, which would mean it’s all made-up, which means that Dr. Blasey Ford lied under oath, so I presume investigations and hearings are forthcoming?
Why isn’t it called ‘Teenage Wasteland’?
If Le’Veon Bell returned to the Steelers, played on the franchise tag, and broke his leg, the team would be okay with letting him walk after the season
Listen to the video. You’ve gotten the exchange wrong.
So now Kavanaugh knows what it’s like to have a unwanted Dick shoved into his face.
Are the animations (like the skinning of the animal) skippable or are we stuck with mini-cutscenes that are cool to see the first couple of times but then quickly get annoying?
Limit their play time to one hour a day. Give them an early bedtime so you can practice all night without them knowing. Hunt them mercilessly when you play together. Make them refer to you as pwnmaster at the breakfast table.
I fully expect that if Trump’s tweets were to actually get him in any trouble, he would vehemently deny that he ever had any control over the account, and even if he did control the account, he was just kidding, and even if he wasn’t kidding, they were just words and words can’t hurt people, and even if they did hurt…
Am I missing you guys covering the Bill Browder/Magnitsky Act angle to all of this? Browder was the only person mentioned by name by Putin during the Helsinki press conference after the summit, and Trump went after Montenegro today, one of the Baltic states that passed the Magnitsky Act, which is what Putin is afraid…
You're not wrong.
When it leads to your impeachment.
He literally has no idea what he does not like about the actual deal itself. He only hates two things about it: (1) It was negotiated by Barack Obama and (2) It was not negotiated by Donald Trump. They could hold sham negotiations over the next couple of months, then just copy and paste the current Iran deal into a…
I bet after ball #4, Sergio was thinking about screaming “Dilly Dilly” so security would come and escort him off the course.
Not to mention that due to subsidies for corn many farmers just keep growing corn and storing it because they get paid to grow it. It’s not even edible corn. That’s why corn syrup is in everything because corn is insanely subsidized so farmers don’t have much of a choice in what they grow.
They just need probably cause, and yes they can pull you over.