Same! I started watching football in 2000 and grew up in New Hampshire. Lucky to have consistently fun players all this time.
Same! I started watching football in 2000 and grew up in New Hampshire. Lucky to have consistently fun players all this time.
I will never take this for granted. It came out nowhere in 2001, and it will go away probably just as fast. I’m happy to have been around to watch it while it lasts.
The fact that Goodell can’t bail out of this one is alone worth the price of admission. I’m not normally a Patriots fan, but this year I might have to be.
I’ll start the flu takes-
Roger Goodell has gone to playoff games in Seattle, Atlanta, and Kansas City this season. The two conference…
I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest
“Listen, I know you guys are upset, but let me tell you, I know what a pick looks like.”
I feel like Barry started out with a nautical metaphor and couldn’t find a decent place to lay it to rest, to the point where eventually it became an albatross around his neck.
1) So this reminds me that it might be a good time to elaborate on a little thing called game theor
Would like to add that Kofi Kingston has done some of the absolute coolest shit ever to avoid getting eliminated at Royal Rumbles:
15 years ago this is a good football play, can’t even try to kill people on the field anymore SMDH
+1 grand
You act like this kind of thing is unusual:
Sometimes it helps to remember those who have passed during happier times. I’m going to remember the 1995 Fiesta Bowl, where Salaam and Colorado fucked up Notre Dame, and a nation smiled.
The BBWAA is being proactive so that in ten years time they, too, can show Kate Upton that they are allowed to fuck Justin Verlander.
(Deshaun Watson sees the play of the Browns and 49ers) (begins scouring the bottom of Deadspin comment sections for work at home testimonials and opportunities)
Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.
Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.
“6-beers? You talking about pre-tailgating?”
Can we move on from the pats and deflating already?