Superfly Johansen

Scaramucci and Dustin Diamond need to work together on a project RIGHT NOW.

Mile High Comics! As a comic fan growing up in a rural area, my first purchase of back issues was from them, probably clipped from an ad in a comic.

But what will Barnes wear? Fortunately, the Court of Owls had some old Starlight Express costumes lying around.

The best part of the show was the Norm Breyfogle Batman art in the opening credits.

It's always fun when sequels to huge Dreamworks movies come around, because it lets you see who was a big box-office draw five years ago and is now obligated to be included in the sequel.

But Batman killed four people in 1939, so this is somehow more true to the character!

A good episode, but "The Adventures of Infallible Thrawn" is getting a bit tiresome. Good thing he wasn't on the Death Star or he'd be out nailing some plywood over the thermal exhaust port.

And The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer.

Hey, Archie Meets the Punisher was awesome!