
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Dark Knight, V for Vendetta just off the top of my head were all reasonably smart, compelling movies that touched on the political and cultural zeitgeist without losing anything in their cool action sequences.

I take movies roughly as seriously as they take themselves. Fast and Furious franchise? A brain-off fun time. This movie, on the other hand, takes itself super seriously and should be mocked appropriately.

He’s like if Michael Bay took himself deadly serious.

Didn't work for Jordan Clarkson.

I’m surprised the Spanish announce table was still standing after a slam like that.

Convicted of beating the shit of your girlfriend? Play for the Cowboys.

The NFL: Where it’s totally legal to shoot a guy full of horse tranquilizer to get him to play through pinched nerves and torn muscles,but don’t get caught trying to cope with your mental issues by smoking (basically) legal weed!


The question really just came out wrong. What he meant to ask was:


The nerve of some peephole...

I’m all good with this delay for the sake of game *MGS5 cough* The only thing I hate about this is when I realized that I’m a damn year older to play this and I am not getting younger to have the same enjoyment and free time as when I was in High school/college/bum . It’s actually a tough realization even for a

Possibly worth noting that Steele is a registered Republican.

Let’s make this a commemorative thread

Him: “Picaboooooo!”

Labor - all the risk, all the blame.