Dear God Yahweh, Allah, Ganesha, whomever,
Dear God Yahweh, Allah, Ganesha, whomever,
Although I agree the American version of a liberal is considered centrist by non-American standards, as it pertains to Americans (the GOP specifically), liberals are akin to communists.
Obama was never a liberal. He’s considered a liberal because the Democratic party has moved so far to the right during the past 25 years. He himself said that by 1980's standards, he would be considered a moderate Republican.
I’ve always found it funny when conservatives accuse liberals of imposing political correctness, when all they want to do is find ways to jail you and take your shit if you protest against the government.
Speaking of non-Americans, I think Peter Norman should also receive some major love. If you look up his story, he suffered greatly after his support for John Carlos and Tommie Smith.
They could be the bizzaro Michael Smith and Jemele Hill!
Is that why he endorsed Jesse Jackson for president twice? or openly criticized the Bill Clinton Crime bill, which helped increase the high rates of mass incarceration that have unfairly impacted POC?
Considering he endorsed Jesse Jackson for President in ‘84 and ‘88, combined with his support of the civil rights movement dating back to his college days and the ensorsements he’s received from prominent Black figures like Dr. Cornel West, Ben Jealous and Keith Ellison and the support of his message and policies by…
And his desire to decriminalize marijuana possession, end wealth and income inequality (both of which impacts more POC than WCW), tutition free college and implement Singe-Payer Healthcare is enough for him to get an invite.
I’ve also seen Bernie Sanders’ name. Some of y’all are out of your black ass minds.
This is why I can’t fuck with “The Root”. On issues of culture, entertainment and certain intra-racial issues (interracial dating, Black LGBT issues and Black male patriarchy towards Black women), they’re usually good.
I appreciated the way WWE pushed Finn Balor up until his unfortunate injury. It’s common knowledge with the smarks that Vince doesn’t like smaller wrestlers, but Balor’s style and charisma were too much to ignore.
He also said that although it may not be apparent, the United States reacted swiftly to Putin’s alleged hacking by giving him a stern talking to. “I felt that the most effective way... was to talk to him directly, and to tell him to cut it out and there would be consequences if they didn’t.”
The fact that Ellison is getting as much negative attention only from both the Democrats and Republican establishment lets me know he’s the perfect person for DNC chair.
But a significant number of people who voted for Barack Obama turned around and voted for Trump over Clinton
I understand why many people despise Castro. He and his regime murdered and/or imprisoned thousands of people and forced communism on his people, which suppresses free thought, among other things. This cannot be ignored or downplayed.
The Democratic party will only go as far as the progressive wing takes it. Push aside all of those establishment democrats who’d rather appease republicans and court big money donors than work for the people.
This. People keep talking about how the economy has gotten so much better under Obama. While that may be true if you have money in the stock market or already have a kick-ass job, that’s not the case for many other Americans, who’re working at some low-wage paying retail store while still in need of TNAF or SNAP…