
No Darren Aronofsky's Batman: Year One where Lt Gordon has a drink and cheets on his wife. Batman is a crazed psychopath raised by Alfred an inner city mechanic?

Now you're old too.

I'm old, I remember waiting outside the Hecht's.

I see a mod that will just incinerate mugger faces.

Just use the same password. It's not that big of a deal.

The one thing the Wachoskis have on Lucas is that when they introduce a badass villain they don't just kill him 10 minutes later.

Ironically, if we had socialized healthcare this show wouldn't even exist. Thanks GOP!

Then they became professional wrestlers...meanwhile the former lead singer obtained some bricks for his yard.

The idea is that you penetrate by being hidden inside, would be a bad name for a chastity belt.

My fatal flaw is apathy, and I really don't care to fix it.

Exactly. I kinda just figured he's an alien, that's how long his hair grows, like fur and since he's an alien, no facial or body hair... when I think about things like that anyway, otherwise it's comic book about a guy that can fly and that's what he looks like because that's how he was drawn. Because I could spend

Hey, look at that!

So, umm how is he going to shave that beard?

You did happen to notice this is a gadget blog, right?

And there you go, can't find out Steve Jobs died while you're on the toilet without Steve Jobs.

Should've known, decent schools use primary colors, none of this indecisive secondary shit.

Siri, smite mine enemies.

Alien blue ice.

and run it on Edge, yes.