
Am i the only one that thought the Ghost Rider poster said

Everybody was kung fu fighting.

Goddamn GM keeps having Thai hookers leave me hung in the closet.

Head crushed before title completed.

I used to live near this 711. I wonder if one of these people is the guy that broke in to my apartment.

it's the the white stars. We have them, space knows we're not fucking around.

Fucking Spoilers mate. Jesus fucking christ. Rank Fucking Amateur.

Spiderman and His Amazing Friends has the Electro created Video Man. There's 2 episodes one of which involves J Jonah Jameson and Iceman being sucked into the video game,

So, where do you put the phone where you can control it? I've noticed a dearth of arm straps for android phones.

Now where did we put that hiding stuff manual?

Hey WB, your Superman movies tank. I have your answer. Batman Vs Harry Potter. I'll be waiting over here for payment. In bearer bonds.

Someone should tell Jim Boehner he's painted himself the wrong OSU color.

Directv does the same, so does Comcast and Charter, I can't speak to Cox or Time Warner I haven't been in their regions.

Call the cable company, tell them you're switching to dish. Negotiate from there.

Goth Joke? Check

That part where it was going to test its aerodynamics and integrity flying at Mach 20, with temperatures of 3500F? Yea, it failed.

Being neo nazis, I'm sure they seperated the whites and darks thus not turning everything grey.

Apple, meet Gibson Guitars, Gibson meet Apple, perhaps you could explain to them how this is going to work.

There's a black family on my street with a Prius and an Original, no AC, Manual Window Honda Insight.

Another libertarian promise full of fail.