
No “songs played by campus sensitive guy with an acoustic guitar to woo ladies” list can be complete without Oasis’s “Wonderwall.”

Do you think he’s just like, “I want to look like the sunburned tip of Ronald McDonald’s dick”?

It’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet. How do you react?

fart 2016

I have never been prouder to be an American.

Marry me, fart.

There is never ‘too many Canadians’.

It’s aboot time someone told their story.

Conan also tried playing the new edition of FIFA, but quit after 25 minutes after having brutally murdered four production assistants.

Vin Scully could read me to sleep with Sophie’s Choice and I’d still have sweet dreams.

Joe Buck? Fuck that, give it to Uecker.

No one’s going to be able to adequately eulogize Scully, but at least Uecker would be entertaining and not a pandering asshat.

God, I could listen to Vin Scully talk about ANYTHING for hours. But the stories that man can - and DOES - tell are some of the best things on this planet.

Two great ambassadors of the game, Vin and Yogi. Yogi’s gone now and hopefully Vin will be around a long time. I’m not sure who would be able to give Vin that send off when that time comes. I guess it would be Joe Buck and hope he does it justice.

Vin Scully. The GOAT of all the GOAT’s.

“As long as people talk about the game, whenever they mention the name Yogi Berra, they will smile because he was that kind of a human being.”

I rue the day when someone is making a similar speech about Scully. :(

No, you’re definitely not nitpicking. You’re just making observations that are wrong. Very wrong. It’s a perfect throw.

Man, what a Texas chain sod massacre?!?!

I’m sure Kane appreciates this story.

Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.