Super Dragonite

Good catch on the refurb (@danielrieger56, as well). If it fits the needs, then why not, I suppose? If he's just doing casual computing, which it seems is the case, then it should fit his needs. (Personally, I can't imagine going back to 2gb of RAM.) I haven't messed around with many ultrabooks, so I don't know much

Where can he get a new Macbook (Blank) for under $800? Seriously, link if it exists? (Otherwise, of course this will make you unpopular.)

Well everyone knows if you install Windows, your computer will get a virus, your mouse will get a virus, your printer will get a virus. It's just common sense.

A Macbook Pro can still run Windows. And Microsoft uses Macbook Pros in their commercials all the time. This is still my favorite Microsoft product commercial ever: [] (and that sticker doesn't even fully cover the apple).

I don't understand how it's liberal biased. They'd probably make a joke about it if Obama did that too. It's a pretty hilarious mistake for anyone prominent to make, let alone someone running for president.

(and @Scenick)

Because Apple sees it that way? I don't know. And we don't know yet if Apple really has taken this stance, right? This is all speculation/"leaks."

True. I definitely overlooked that.

Air replaced the Macbook as the, entry-level Macbook. Macbook Pro's are still supposed to be "Pro," which, from observation, would mean better graphics cards, RAM, and for now, hard disk drives (to keep the size up while costs down). So, if you're looking for better specs, you go Macbook Pro.

External drive? External CD-ROM drives are really cheap (just no DVD).

No, but then again, it seems (as this article suggests as well) that Apple is moving away from physical media. If this article is true, then they will probably never adopt Blu-ray. Well, maybe in an iMac or Mac Pro.

Agreed. If it isn't sonic, it isn't news.

I can accept that as a valid argument, though without a list of DLL's commonly used by a clean install of Windows, the DLL's used by IE and the DLL's used by various browsers and all the DLL's memory requirements, it lacks soundness. (Those lists probably exists somewhere, but I gave up on my Google search pretty

I disagree with this.

I wish you were trolling. XP... :(

Hey, strip it of the glitchy HTC ROM and give it something good (possibly by Team BAMF) and you have yourself a good phone!

I'm confused by your comments about Vista and Libraries. What exactly are you arguing there? Vista was released in 2006, OS X in 2001 (OS X moved to Intel from PowerPC in 2005), and Libraries were added with the release of Windows 7 in 2009.

Great article. Very informative!