Super Dragonite

Are you suggesting that there's an adult author out there with the creativity of an angsty teenager whose books actually sell?

I seriously thought that screenshot was of the Google+ photo viewer.

I think they meant OS/2. ;D

Australia, for example, is an island, so foreign diseases can't travel there without an airplane (or boat, I guess).

That's why, in the first paragraph, I read it as he found the picture on his girlfriend's phone. I'd "understand" it more if he was searching his girlfriend's phone, because a lot of people do that (even though I would never do that to a significant other or really anyone else I cared about). But then, there'd be a

Do you mean cut the price by 50%/divide by 2? What you just said would turn a $15 movie into a 30-cent movie.

GLaDOS. I'm sure Apple will be fine!

Yes, it annoys me that our (US) lawmakers don't understand how the internet works. They have this mindset that everyone is America and everyone should be America, and this bill is part of that. The internet is not just America. Ugh...

Doesn't advertising this hinder the message Wikipedia is giving by participating in the blackout?

I don't get why you're throwing a fit about this. Yesterday Lifehacker posted an article on how to easily turn this OFF. And now Google's changed it to just be a single click on the search page!

So are Mac-using Kopimists like a discriminated sect of Kopimism? (Command+C and Command+V being their religious symbols.)

Unless by UK they mean "University of Kentucky," I'm pretty sure the First Amendment doesn't affect this story.

What if they promise to be quiet?

I was really hoping 4Chan would be on there. :D

Haha, first "C." My mistake.

She seriously said, "'The FCC has essentially granted itself power over all forms of communications, including the Internet.'" - []

We (Salt Lake City) now have two Apple stores. What is this, Starbucks?

I thought I saw mine 4 times, which probably means I was wrong.

I've been using iSyncr to sync my music from iTunes. Syncs playcounts even.

I'm scared of blood in very specific situations. I'm not scared of looking at it, as I grew up having chronic nosebleeds, but I'm terrified of getting my blood drawn (but, interestingly, not of needles - see my multiple piercings).