
No, because she probably does love representing her country, with pride.

“The school mascots are selected by their honor and basically pride that it brings the school,” Shirk said. “If I was a Native American—I feel there was no disrespect intended. It was done to be a unique and fun poster.”

How is Hillary Clinton not destroying these people?

This part -

While I don’t think any class of people should be disenfranchised, I have little hope that voting will make things better.”

The best part of this anthem issue is how it’s revealed some of the weird ideas Americans have been sold by various interests about patriotism and national symbols.

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

This is the perfect argument when having a right wing small gubmint folk go on and on about big bad government regulations. I just want to respond with the Federal ones are not the ones that should worry you. Its the city, county, state shit that is asinine. Shut down the FDA and we get twice as many e.coli breakouts.

But it’s white people that need to talk about race. We’re the ones holding back the conversation saying “nope, slavery is over! black people can vote! Kaep is rich, not oppressed!”Chris Rock has a stand up bit where he says (paraphrase) his kids have the best chance to succeed, not because of him and his success, but

The side-eye Moss gave Dilfer during his Kaepernick rant was the absolute highlight of the show.

Attn Trent Dilfer:

The only acceptable answer for a white man in this situation is as follows:

“Regardless of my own take on this situation, I am in no place to give my opinion, as I have not had to deal with racial prejudice at all during my lifetime. I am thankful to live in a country where a tasteful demonstration of

Sarcasm, as it’s called on the internet, isn’t primarly concerned with accuracy

I don’t think she’s knocking TV as a medium—she’s appearing in an HBO limited series this fall (“Big Little Lies”). She’s saying that she contracted to do this particular project for film and isn’t necessarily up for it now changing to TV (which requires a different type of shooting schedule, etc.).

Ya know what? I’m not going to blame her for dodging this particular bullet. This seems like a franchise with dwindling interest and the TV show seems like a weird effort to keep the ship afloat. And she's already done like three of this things! The idea of doing an entire TV show after that many films has gotta seem

Seriously, can we take a moment to talk about Klan terminology? These are the names of actual Klan positions, offices, and jurisdictions:

I’m sure it’s ‘optional’ in the way that teams tell players working out and practicing on their own time is ‘optional.’ College teams always love people being individuals and thinking for themselves...

Exactly! The whole thing is about how we, as a nation, are not living up to the values that our military defends/fights for. By taking the knee they’re saying that we can do better. We should do better.

I have an idea: we stop playing the national anthem at sporting events.

I have never had any interest whatsoever in a threesome. I’m not morally opposed but I suspect it’s like showering with a partner—one of you is always standing away from the water, feeling chilly with shampoo in your hair.