Even in a bubble that thick and that homogenous, where literally everybody in power is a Republican, she no doubt still blames a vague notion of “Democrats” for everything bad that happens.
Even in a bubble that thick and that homogenous, where literally everybody in power is a Republican, she no doubt still blames a vague notion of “Democrats” for everything bad that happens.
Very very minor defense of Trump, but he wasn’t saying he “sexually assaults” women by “grabbing them in the pussy.”
It’s absurd that people are equating “your childhood buddy who votes Republican” with “Supreme Court Justice who would re-segregate schools, overturn Roe v Wade, and would imprison LGBTQ people for the crime of existing”. There are differences in scale and power here, and that Ginsburg ignored them makes her suspect,…
Gotta say Barry, i’m loving the backlash you’re getting to this comment.
More recently she lived through the Civil Rights movement and anti-Vietnam War movement, and should appreciate the power of disciplined, nonviolent protest. No excuses.
When I hear “Political Beliefs” I think, you know, about disagreements about marginal tax rates or foreign policy. Not so much, you know, “should gay people have equal rights?”.
So maybe it’s not “locker room talk”, it’s “Old entitled asshole” talk?
I suspect the “locker rooms” he goes to at Trump-branded golf clubs, filled exclusively with boorish entitled rich white old men like himself, might have somewhat more of the casual sexual assault talk than professional sports’ locker rooms.
Um, maybe these “athletes” should get out of their safe spaces and spend some time in a real locker room. This is exactly the type of talk you should expect to hear at a country club golf course.
A pre-nup has nothing on child support. Believe me.
I’ve used this move on creepy bosses, does that count?
Trump family goes into a circle. Clinton family greets all the guests.
Raise your hand if you have used this move on your creepy relative. ✋
So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?
Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.
100% yes. This strawman “the idea that big government can solve all problems” is straight Reagan bedrock dogma bullshit. They won that fight before the last Clinton even took office. They’ve spent the last 25 years trying to break whatever is left so they can fully convince everyone that government doesn’t work. No…
“Look at this poor who is taking our picture.”