
America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.

(She’s blushing because she knows she’s saying egregiously racist shit, and her residual conscience is fighting a rear guard action against her desire to get a slot on Fox News)

The Blaze is the “media network” that Glenn Beck started when Fox shitcanned him. Essentially this woman works for Glenn Beck.

Because he's not violating any work rules like the ones in your examples.

That’s funny because usually the term “social justice warrior” gets tossed around (as if it’s a bad thing. Hint: it’s not) by people who get annoyed that people insist on not being treated disrespectfully due to their color, gender etc. Of course, those people generally get annoyed because someone they consider

Absurd. Kaepernick refusing to stand during the anthem and then answering truthfully when finally questioned after the third time he did is and then being called a traitor (which makes zero sense) by future prospective employers is in no way similar to a flag burning. He damaged no property, put no one at risk and was

No. I just generally assumed. Kind of how like these front office people assume he’s a traitor. It goes both ways.

It’s become so cliche it’s almost sad now. People love to spout “thank you for your service” clap for soldiers at a sporting event or occasionally buy someone a drink or something. What they DON’T want to do is anything of substance. If we loved our military so much why do we send them to die in pointless wars? Why

Anonymity allows people to show their racist, hateful asses? It’s almost like we’re talking about the internet instead of the NFL.

“I don’t want him anywhere near my team,” one front office executive said. “He’s a traitor.”

Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

This seems like a perfect segue into a story about the lack of minorities working in NFL front offices.

Cowards always hate those who demonstrate courage.

It’s because conservative americans can’t spend a single day without jerking off to their military. Any attempt to question what the country does as a nation is met with reactionary jingoism.
It’s basically a cult, at this point. A mindless moronic cult.

This right here. Yep.

For decades, (largely, but not exclusively) the conservative movement in the U.S. has worked to infuse the notion of absolute blind loyalty to the military and country into (in place of) the concept of “patriotism.” They realized the political benefits to be had by fomenting outrage at anyone deemed insufficiently

“Stop calling people names, fuckface.” — You

You’re exactly correct. Unfortunately there’s a moronic subset of the population in this country that are so blindly loyal to the symbols of this country (not the ideals mind you, they’d never live up to those) that any challenge to one of them is a challenge to all of them. So you get a situation where a guy doesn’t

A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”

Non-American here, not really getting all this noise, I was under the impression that the purpose of your military was to protect the interests of the country abroad and (when required) defend the country and constitution from attack. If that is accurate, then does the military not EXIST to protect the right to free