
i fundamentally agree, but you left out pictures of the dead innocents on 9/11, jon.

don't be too discouraged that no one can live up to his courtship skills, more boring men are often quite talented at having exceptional long-term relationship skills :)

like i do for earth day, earth hour, and all other nonsense anti-technology and anti-civilization protests, i will be intentionally subverting this crap. in this case, i will put off all my hobbies and only watching tv and gaming this week. also, anyone who brings this up to me will be harshly talked down to.

not really. he lives like hes rich in some respects (to maintain his sense of honor he still lives like a monk like the rest of the sea-org for the most part), but none of the money is his, and the day he goes to prison for his abuses he wont have a penny to his name. so, although theres some fraudulent bullshit going

i dont need to google, since i have firsthand knowledge. the religion itself swims in money, but no individual puts that money in their own bank account. the only slight exception to that is that the "chairman of the board" david miscavige lives pretty lavishly on the church's dime.

im an ex-scientologist, and although i no longer participate in the religion and have plenty of negative things to say about it, your assertion that it isnt a religion because it was started on a bet is nonsense, and believe me when i say that no one is getting rich off of it. lrh died penniless, having devoted all of

dude, youre totally wrong, haha. im an ex-scientologist and scientology doesnt say that at all. and, seriously, you think islam is a believe and let believe religion? thats funny.

ex-scientologist here. the emeter isnt the problem with the religion, and its not really a magical artifact like its been portrayed here. its a very simple tool that works on the same principle as lie detector machines, and both of them work very well actually. just as people smile when they are happy, the emeter can

hamilton nolan is a communist. noted :P

I would love to see them take the yakuza engine and make it easy on themselves to retell the whole plotline in one game.

you are likely not the only one who hates, it, no. but of those who played it, you are very rare. the game (in my opinion of course) was badass, still is badass, and it makes me furious that no successors to its formula have ever been made.

ive thrown knives, this isnt hard to do. if they showed him doing it 3 times in a row without screwing up, then id be impressed. as it is, he couldve done this 100 times before they got it right.

"Update: Thanks to all of you grad students for sending me the full text. You are all gentlemen and scholars!"

@ender89: thats basically what ive always said in trying to explain the tendency to accuracy that zodiac seems to describe: our bodies have seasonal hormonal changes similar to our monthly hormonal changes, and this could easily affect the development of a child in the womb. this also plays out that the position of

@Ret: luck = probability^preparation.

@al_capwn: he got all serious that the guy who happened to break the story out into the public consciousness isnt a scientist (although the guy IS an astronomer).