
@ddrussianinja: Agreed.

i keep a 6 foot steel reinforced, hardened aluminum sword behind my door. works great, the door protects the paint job!

@Sugoi: and when they do, what 180 lbs of muscular manliness with two thumbs will be standing by to warm them up? this guy.

good looking girl... though this just makes me regret again that clothing was ever invented.

@Vitonofrio del Rosso: fair enough. just sounded like you thought this was some individuals opinion.

@DocSeuss: unless i misunderstand, you seem to be implying that "role playing game" is akin to "human" in its genericness, and therefore unfit as a descriptor of a more specific game type. that may be so, but as in the case of all linguistic quirks: too late. language is not planned, and the definition of a word or

@DocSeuss: i agree that the purpose of tabletop role playing games is to have an adventure taking on the role an imaginary character, but we do not define things by their similarities alone, you must also take into account differences. men and women are identical from the viewpoint of a snail, but viewed less

@GrieVelorn: read the top left section once more. role playing games are defined by stat and ability growth being dictated by the player, not "playing a role."

@KillerBeeTX: i dont think he does realize that...

i would consider the original fallout a tactical rpg.

those logos are completely different.

@NoelVeiga: i agree with you completely. i think that what you see in multiplayer games is more akin to people being jerks on the freeway than to the prisoners dilemma (though, there are similarities). you dont see nearly as many jerks in a grocery store where you can see peoples faces, but those same people will be

@TraMaI: sure, but you can just as easily say they shrunk the cars. i say if we are to compare world sizes to their real-world equivalents, scaling things grossly out of proportion to their real sizes makes any meaningful comparison impossible.

@tehsquish: you can easily make out individual buildings in both the gta map and the burnout map, yet the average size of a building in burnout is easily 4 times bigger. i mean, the aircraft carrier in burnout is literally bigger than the airport runways in gta:sa, and for that matter, compare burnouts baseball

burnout paradise's roads are roughly the same width as gta:sa's roads... so why is that peninsula in burnout 5 times the size of the similarly scaled las vegas area in gta? answer: because the comparison is nonsensical. as far as i can tell, gta:sa is significantly larger than burnout paradise.

burnout paradise's roads are roughly the same width as gta:sa's roads... so why is that peninsula in burnout 5 times the size of the similarly scaled las vegas area in gta? answer: because the comparison is nonsensical. as far as i can tell, gta:sa is significantly larger than burnout paradise.

@Kalapusa: hell yeah, now youre talkin. kick some terrorists to death with his action-cowboy-swagger-boots!

@tok1879: math is always serious business.