
I work in advertising. The problem is that it is an industry where lies and nepotism are normal, everyday occurrences. Every executive I’ve known would say ANYTHING to get new business, so I can see agencies getting around this pretty easily. I’ve seen an agency transform its entire office for a client meeting, ask

We have a one year old and my parents are exactly the same. They are insanely conservative and we are successful adults, so to them we should be full on the baby train. But we truly cant afford another (honestly, to your point, we can barely afford the first) and it is breaking. their. brains.

Atlanta here, which is generally a more affordable city. We have a 1 year old at one of the nicer pre-schools in our suburb. We pay $15,000 a year, and I know friends closer to the city pay 16,000+. We had our son at another (much cheaper) daycare, but had to pull him out, bc the quality of care was abysmal and I was