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/reads headline
Dear Penthouse,
This reminds me of what my father used to tell me about good sportsmanship... “Don’t be such a baby. I’ll make it to the next game.”
Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.
I always scroll down on the Simmons articles to find the first asshole who writes something like this. Congratulations, J-Bug, you’re today’s asshole!
I tried the radio audio, but it didn’t time up. It was several seconds behind so it was annoying as shit.
Please explain. That’s been really bugging me since the season started - I want to watch and also listen to Tom Hamilton, damn it.
They took away the radio overlay this year [ETA: for mlb.tv at least], which is making me strongly consider cancelling my account.
It’s also been an option for the BCS championship the past several years. Everyone raves about coaches film room or the homer feeds but I always go with the announcer-less coverage.
I’m not anti-announcer, per se. I just wish they would announce....less. Let the ambient sounds of the game lead the way, then chime in with a factoid or in-game analysis blurb every now and then.
Hopefully the Caps will win the next one so they can force a Game 7.
I think you used the space bar too frequently in this transcription.
+17 gratuitous sub-thoughts attached as letters to each number
How is Hughie Hooker not higher on the list? It should be at least number 2
Ah yes, hate to have been wrong about, uh, the Process being a gross and cynical gaming of the NBA’s fundamental brokenness. Hate to have had that somehow disproven by events.
Man, I have a friend who mocks every protester. No matter their cause. And his favorite thing to say was “Get a job.” Doesn’t matter if they’re striking. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Saturday. He was always yelling “Get a job.” But he’s been called on it so much that he had to change it. Now it’s “They don’t even know…
If you’re protesting, ever, on any day, during the day, it’s assumed by the “others”, that you don’t in fact, have a job. There’s no way you can go 45 seconds without one person countering with “get a job” during a protest.
I LOVE standing in the sun