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This will make you angry. It usually makes everyone angry at my work when I play it on the jukebox. (I really like it though)

I'd pay $10 or $15 for it, sure. It would probably make me eat more butter though.

Crystallized human blood.

I think they have it easy just because the word "amazing" is in the title. Reading early news about the movie on i09, I kept skimming stuff and feeling like something totally objective was praise just because I was reading the word "amazing" 4 times.

This is really sad. Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction was one of my favorite games of the last generation, and I was hoping they'd get to make another one. (I didn't like Prototype quite as much, but I still liked it)

Honestly I thought the Wii was a little too expensive its whole run (and when it got cheaper they took Gamecube/Wavebird support out, boooo) but hey, people kept buying it. I'm thinking that if the Wii U is reasonable I'll just buy that and play all those Wii games I missed then.

This never would've happened if they had just let me in the beta testing program.

I plan to make a shirt with a QR code that links to a nude photo of myself. Technology: one step ahead of indecent exposure laws.

It would be amazing if they could include something that triggered the camera remotely when you started writing. Oh well, I've got camera apps that can be triggered by sound anyway, still gonna get one of these.

The hard drive on my family computer in 1997 (not terribly long ago, and still far from the 80's) was 100mb. That's 10 MINUTES of uncompressed CD-quality audio. That's far less than even the RAM on my phone now.

The last few people that added me the night they met me...errrr........I think I'll be blocking this feature.

Looks like a matte finish around the screen, which makes this the only iteration I'll consider buying (the reflections of myself in the glossy plastic around the screen on the regular 3ds are incredibly distracting to me with the 3d on, makes me feel like I'm crossing my eyes) Still disappointed in the lack of a

Maybe if some kid is lucky, they'll be able to shame their confused parent into buying them a Wii U after they get a tablet controller that doesn't work with their Wii for Xmas. (For the record, if my childhood was happening right now my parents MIGHT have gotten me a Wii last Xmas, but more likely a PS2)

If Watch Dogs is for some other, newer system, then it may be coming in 2014 for me, hahaha :(

Yeah, there was some kind of magic going on in the SNES era. Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Super Punch Out, both the Super Mario Worlds, Contra 3. Was a great time for updates.

They should absolutely consider that it's not necessary for ANY games to be 3-d. The fact is, we're still playing games on a 2-d plane (TV or monitor) and a true 3-d controller would probably be a ball covered with analog sticks or something. I'm not saying that there aren't any good 3-d games, far from it, but it's

Being relatively frugal, I'm not this machine's target audience, but I would absolutely rather have a bigger one that I could repair and upgrade myself.

I came here to post that, but I'll stay to tell you "good job"

I want it portable. With buttons, unlike this GTA 3 on my iPhone that I never play. (whoops, I responded to the wrong comment but I can't edit that for some reason)