
Learning to let things go is really a more effective way of dealing with anger, since "venting" just leads to more and more anger. That said, I grew up poor (I would get MAYBE 2 Nintendo games a year) so nothing that happens in a video game would make me feel worse than being out a $50 controller or worse, a TV.

Ending for Galaga '88 arcade version, hardest level.

That is so metal. Not only did my respect for Suda just increase even more, now I have to play this (even if it is in Japanese and I know the ending)

(Sighs and raises hand) Right here. All the time. I keep finding the observers less and less interesting.....the writers should have just kept them unexplained, and I don't think they're qualified to write a storyline about beings that experience time all at once staging a takeover of earth (to be fair, there may not

I would agree with that.....until towards the end of Prime with the color matching (shoot red pirates with red gun, yellow with yellow gun, etc) I found it unbelievably not-fun and not Metroid-like. If I wanted to play Simon then I'd just buy one at the thrift store.

I'm criticizing Apple for overcharging for memory and not allowing owners of their products to use memory cards. They are doing that because it makes them money, and because they can, and the main thing they would have to sacrifice to add the option would be control. They are most assuredly not doing it because people

I dunno, I'd really like for it not to be an issue, but it is. Maybe I have ADHD or eye problems. Maybe I should just buy one and sand those parts down. I figured that it wasn't a problem for most people because I never saw any internet rage about it.

I don't need the additional storage, in fact I don't need a tablet at all, but I WANT the additional storage and I don't think I should have to pay so much extra for it, so I will not. (by the way, the difference between $20 and $100 is 400% and I don't think that counts as "slightly") But you're obviously happy with


Probably the absolute #1 reason I haven't bought a 3DS is the glossy finish around the 3d screen. It's hard enough to make my eyes focus on the 3d without there being a bunch of 2d reflections all around it. Seriously, I can't believe nobody decided that was a bad idea. Hopefully the next version will fix that.

Well, installing a GPS in a car is a lot easier than upgrading the memory in an iPad (from what I can tell it's nearly impossible) but I see your point.

So you paid $100 for an additional 16gb? A 16gb microSD card is less than $20. Also I have a 4-year old 80gb mp3 player in my pocket, and it doesn't feel like I'm "doing it wrong" in any way other than it would be nice to carry around one less device, but I see no reason to unless I get my hands on something with an

Soul magnets......after all the crazy stuff on that show that I went along with, that was the one thing that finally made me yell "BULLSHIT!" at my TV. I fucking hate soul magnets.

I think it's simply amazing how so many people are talking about how expensive the Vita is when just a few months ago it was like "$250? Wow, we thought it was gonna be $400, how competitive!" Nintendo's price cut was apparently such a good strategy that it reset some people's memories. Personally I'm not convinced to

There are a lot of people that will swear up and down that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3, but I can't say I agree. The added features were nice, but I greatly preferred the characters, story structure, level design, difficulty balance, enemy variety, and pacing in FO3. That said, since New Vegas is like $10 now,

I understand that, but I'm more talking about how much they overcharge for memory increases, and neither that nor the lack of an SD slot impacts the user experience in any way. $500 for an iPad and everything it comes with, fine. $100 for 16gb of memory? Ridiculous. Unless it's "luxury memory" I guess.

Fantastic.......if I ever get married I want this guy to narrate my wedding video.

I think the tablet is still kind of a niche market, given that most people already have a computer and a cellphone, not to mention that $500 can really buy you one of each that's perfectly usable. That makes it hard to compare it to a razor, which most people need, lest they become too hairy. I really, really want a

You'd never need an SD card? Really? Did you pay the additional $200 for the 64gb model and think that that was a great deal for 48gb of storage? It isn't, and you'd also find a lot of people would rather hook a cable up than spend an additional $90.

I wish it was easier to get there, from what I've seen on travel websites, it's like over an hour away from the nearest airport, and it's a small airport at that, meaning higher airfare. (No, I do not live close enough to drive there)