
I'm gonna hit the redbox tomorrow when I get off work, and walk off with either Saints Row the Third or Skyrim depending on what kind of mood I'm in. I'm sure there will be a little time to work on Beyond Good and Evil HD (which I got for $3 last week), my first time playing through it, and it somehow is as good as

Well......that goes to show how much I wanted the Dreamcast to survive......or perhaps come back from the dead.......and how crap my memory is

You have to equip the Amulet of Arrow in the Knee Joke Protection. It weighs 80 pounds.

Me too.....that's sorrrt of what I expected to find when I clicked on the article.

This game looks amazing and I can't wait to play it.......but....uh.........did Tim and Eric make the intro to this commercial or something? So weird......

I feel like GTA3, more specifically, did it. That was the first game which I played on PS2 and thought "Nope, Dreamcast can't do this. Yep, I have to buy one of these." I assume the infinity billion other people who bought a PS2 after that felt the same.

But is it ok if I still punch it a few times? Maybe after it's done?

Yeah, and the first anime also ended up kind of darker and more beautiful (more people died, felt like there was more at stake) even though the animation for second one was better and it had a much longer story with some interesting differences. Oh well, at least we have both. I'm also thankful that since there's no

My personal belief is "they can......but they refuse to because they don't have to"

If 4.1 Gb is in the top 5%, then it sounds like they either can't afford to offer 5gb plans......or they CAN afford to offer unlimited plans. Disgusting.

Ok, in that case, am I the only person who blames the source material?

I deliver pizzas and I'm mentally superior to most of the other people I work with. Of course, the job market is terrible and I'm drastically overqualified.....but I did drop out of college so whatever, I probably deserve it.

Am I the only person who thought that FMA Brotherhood leaned waaaay too heavily on the "Oh, I was about to be killed, but you, a character we haven't seen in 5 episodes and almost forgot about, showed up just in time to save me!"?

As well you should.......that is quantum fucking hilarious.

Maybe we should make a skyscraper that looks like Kim Jong-il holding a nuclear bomb.

I'm quite glad that they're optional. A game that beautiful shouldn't have a finger covering it up. It also deserves to actually be played.

What a coincidence, I recently started a Fallout 3 game where I'm trying to kill every single killable NPC as soon as I see them. My character's name is "Total Murderer"

It might as well have been....

Not only that, but it was one guy who scored 16,660 and another who got on the high score list twice right before he died. Both creepy.

Is it stupid that I immediately pictured Peter Weller as Khan's Borg father?