
Truth. I could have used another ZX, Zero, and/or X game too

Now is everyone who used to complain about too many Mega Man games happy? Cuz I'm not. Oh well, at least I didn't buy a 3DS ahead of time.

Depends on how big the screen is......

I did buy Fallout New Vegas and Portal 2 new. I would say I regret the decision for fallout, but eh, I played it plenty even if it was and still is broken. Last game I bought new before those two though......GTA San Andreas. Having hobbies helps

It's usually pretty easy to find a game new for $40 a few months after release. Maybe Gamestop should respond by cutting their prices, hmm?

This may just make people buy less games overall. Which is fine in my case, since I have a 6 or 7 game backlog. I can wait til Mortal Kombat is $30 new

Welllll, they're gonna have to pay for a lot more envelopes this month while I copy every DVD in my queue and then send them back the same day, and I bet I'm not the only one doing that.

What if the customer says "I am wrong"?

I need over 80gb, okay? Until flash memory catches up with HDD capacity from like 6 years ago, I don't see these things completely disappearing.

Sounds great....but...uh..........I'd really prefer Sony's online pricing structure if possible.

I just listened to that whole thing after posting it, man I love that song. (non-ironically, even)

Eh, I'll just wait even longer to buy games in that case. There have been many, many, many times that I've found a game cheaper new at Best Buy or Target than used at GS. If they're really concerned, then THEY should pay the companies to get an online code to sell with their used games. They can afford it.

Agreed. He's just one Virtual Boy-like failure away from a rampage.

The next step......the Candwich!

Is it normal for a boring, inane talk show to still exist in its 50's?

Yeah, I always think that when I'm watching these. WB needs a logo without a water tower or frog.

IT'S A TRAP! Right? That was the joke and all those emails are getting spammed now, right?

Maybe they should make it about arcade games in general, and not specifically this story. I think it could be pretty funny if they added in, say, cheats in games that didn't exist in real life. Or kill screens for games that don't have them

You mean the PC version is WORSE?? I'm playing it on Xbox myself.