
Mr. Plinkett is already half-done with his Sucker Punch review if that's any indicator....

Just bought Raskulls, and Dead Money LC for New Vegas, and Gyromancer, so yeah....I'll probably end up too busy to play anything

Sigh......sounds like this one isn't going to have a plot either..........


I wonder if the Madden curse will make him lose a bunch of money on dogfighting.

But however will my world be megafied now??


And they'll keep saying that until the day they unveil the redesign. If they said there were plans for one, then less people would buy the current model. I think it's a pretty safe bet personally, and I love my GBA SP and DS Lite. My friends' regular GBA and DS, not so much...

Thanks! Even though every other comment seems to deride the pads, I'm just really curious.

Man, I wish I'd gotten to play one of the pressure-sensitive ones. Anybody know of a US arcade that still has one?

It looks like this 3DS does NOT contain DX. Had my hopes up for a second. Oh well, now I can keep waiting for the 3ds Lite.

Just one, and it's basically a geometry wars knockoff where random stuff happens, there's no shooting, and none of the controls do anything. Good graphics, though.

Also you can sell it used. Also someone else can buy it used. In other words, it can be owned.

That would be purple-ray. Or more likely prpl-ray

GD-ROM is back!

Oh bored rich people, you so crazy!

I just played one at a store today, and I have to say, even though I was impressed by the 3d itself, it seemed like the glossy finish around the edges of the top screen was a spectacularly bad idea. My eyes kept wanting to focus on my reflection in the black plastic and because of that it was harder to focus on the

It's for a preorder. Not mentioned was that you can get release day shipping for 99 cents. Great deal!

The article also says some of the original devs are on board! This is gonna be great!

I always sort of thought that online multiplayer was just being pushed by console manufacturers so that they could fight piracy by constantly having access to people's consoles.