My Samsung Blu-Ray player came with some games. Awful, awful games. If only it just played Tempest 3000 like a NUON...
My Samsung Blu-Ray player came with some games. Awful, awful games. If only it just played Tempest 3000 like a NUON...
@thegamefreak0134: In all honesty, the thing I'm most excited about is having an analog stick and a touchscreen at once. Close second is not wearing glasses.
Yet this thing has a camera to track your head as it MOVES, and a gyroscopic tilt sensor so you can control games by MOVING your 3DS. Do companies even think about these things beforehand?
Wait, don't Galaga machines just start displaying squiggly lines for a score after you get past like a million?
Even more Fallout New Vegas, and I just bought Lara Croft:GOL on sale, making it the first Tomb Raider game I ever bought or liked. Really, it's great! I'm gonna play that too.
@superdeeduper51: 40 3.5" floppies? No way! It's 1998.
@WatershipDown: Sometimes I bring it to my friends' house with no internet, sometimes the internet goes down, etc. It's mostly the principle of the thing though. Makes me feel less like I actually own the things I've bought.
I'd buy more indie games if I wasn't required to be connected to the internet to play them.
@romevi04: The whole thing in Hexic where you could accidentally eliminate the black gems while trying to get them into a circle ENRAGED the hell out of me. In fact, I can't think of a single thing from a "hardcore" game that made me more angry.
@redlazer64: Konami/Ultra ported it, was originally made for various computers by EA. I just got a screenshot from the NES version because that's the version I played. a lot.
@PaddyDugan: But...he was reviewing the movie. Reviews are SUPPOSED to be opinions put in black and white, and aren't supposed to take other people's views into account. Ever.
@Inkiw: It's a great deal on something that a store is guaranteed to have 6 or less of in stock. Basically a scam, unless the value of your time spent in line overnight is less than that of the money you would save.
@pillowphobic: The first number doesn't mean a whole lot if adding one penny makes it go up. Still, can't say I'm not a bit tempted.
Zero, after every fight : "WHATAMIFIGHTINGFOORRRRRRR?????!!!!!!!!!?!?"
@OmegaSpartan08: Rated M for matter
I could've called the Stephen Chow influence, but pretty surprised he didn't mention Fight Club.
Weird, I kind of expected him to say that. Personally, I thought that was one of the mario games that took the smallest step forwards from the previous game, but it was nice that *super* mario finally got a cape